Another day in Russia and it was another good day. We have been struggling with the loss of the first referral with so little time to grieve and comprehend what happened, yet trying to evaluate a new child to see if he will be our son for the rest of our lives.
Our doctor, who speaks good English, made the three hour drive (one cannot understand Moscow traffic until you experience it) to this hospital with us. Sure it is only 60 miles, but the first 30 miles takes 2 hours as it is just stop and go forever. Waiting through every light four or five times . . . it is as bad as rumored.
The Doctor did a very good exam and reviewed all of his medical records. Tyler is very thin and small and you can actually see his rib cage. The nurse says he is a very picky eater, but the good news is that he just loves cream of wheat. Of course this was cream of wheat in a bottle, so we are not sure what that really means. One thing for sure is that we need to fatten this little boy up. The Doctor really feels that all he needs is a good diet, lots of attention and lots of love. In the end, the doctor gave him a “clean bill” of health. This kid is a fighter.
We were definitely able to relax and just play with Tyler who played the entire time except when we fed him. Maria was able to feed him another bottle and they tried to spoon feed him, but he would not have anything to do with it. It was a nice visit. We got lots of smiles today from the boy in pink. Apparently, the nicest outfit the hospital has is pink, (“not that there is anything wrong with that”) and thus he was wearing the same thing again. For trip two there will be lots of colors, including blues, and reds and Raven’s purple!
Tomorrow we will not have time to visit as we have to go to the notary at 10:30am to sign all the papers to officially accept him. These are the papers that are filed with the court to get us on the calendar, hopefully in 6-8 weeks.
So, our son’s name will officially be Tyler Jackson. It is a big name for a little boy, but we know with all the love from us and our family and friends, he is going to do great. His birthday is November 17, 2005.
Maria and Jeff
JEFF And Maria,
As you can tell I am very excited for all of you. Dad and I are going to the Mall tonight to drop Tyler's Christmas Stocking off to have his name on it.. all ready for next year but it has to hang with the rest of the grandchildren's
Love MOM
Jeff and Maria,
We love the name Tyler Jackson. Glad things are on the right track now. Good luck with all the papers tomorrow and get that boy home soon so we can spoil him with love and lots of good food!
I am so happy for you!! Nov. 17th has a very special meaning to me. I know this little boy is special! I hope you get a court date quickly and get to bring him home soon to a good meal and LOTS of love!! :o)))
that is fantastic news. I can't wait to talk to you. You must both be thrilled.
We just adopted a little girl in October from Orenburg. She was 12 mos. old and weighed 15 lbs. You could also see her ribs on her back and front. Fast forward 5 weeks home and she has gained 5 lbs. and is a little chub-bub. We have been through both the scabies and giardia treatment! No fun, but she is doing great now!
GET HOME!!! WE miss you guys so much!
That is so exciting! You will be surprised how quickly Tyler Jackson grows into his name once he gets some regular love and affection (and good food!).
Hurry home!!! Jack is so thrilled that you named Tyler after him...hee!! We will definitely put the pounds on that sweet thing. His smiling face is so perfect. Can't wait.
Annie & JT
Hi Maria and Jeff --
I can't wait to spoil Tyler with my OUTSTANDING cooking! I am going to be taking lessons to make sure I get it right = can not wait to see you all -- you are very missed! Lotsa Love, Isabel, SA and JJ
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