Sunday, November 12, 2006

Remember the Carly Simon song turned Heinz ketchup commercial?
"Anticipation, is keeping me waiting."

Well, we are waiting in anticipation of "The Call." We have been keeping very busy waiting and setting up the new crib. We will try to attach a picture of it soon, but what you need to know is that, we are both technologically challenged. We barely know how to use a digital camera (and never worked an Ipod either), let alone download or upload pictures to attach. We are working on it, but I think we may be hiring a local tutor from the neighborhood (Sandra) who can put a 60-picture slide show to music in less than a day.

We have picked colors for the room, once again. We are pretty sure that green, blue and off white are included in some combination and that airplanes will be a theme.
Some fellow blogers have asked if they could add our blog to their blog roll. Certainly! We are thrilled and glad to share our experience. It has been wonderful "meeting" so many fellow adoptive parents through this process. Maria had dinner last night with two fellow blogers (Melissa and Lauren) whose blogs are listed on our roll. Melissa and Mike have already been on trip one and met their son, so now they are just waiting for "the other call" to go bring their son home. Lauren and Marco are also going to the Moscow Region around the same time as us. We may get to travel together!

We hope to hear something (The Call) this week or next week so stay tuned.

Maria and Jeff


Blogger Suz said...

I'm so excited for you! I hope someone shakes up that ketchup bottle soon and the call comes pouring in!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Jeff and Maria.

The good Steve : )

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