Thursday, September 28, 2006
Another Step
We received word that our agency has sent our Dossier via DHL to Moscow to be translated (OK, I called them ten times). Hip Hip hooray!!!!

While it is one small step in this process it is a necessary step in the right direction. The typical processing time is three to four weeks to be translated and then it is registered with the Ministry of Education and Science in the Moscow Region. So, we are playing the waiting game patiently (HA!). I have a feeling that you will see my patience get a little thin but right now it is OK. Our dossier was over fifty pages and contains our homestudy, marriage license, deed to our house, official registry paperwork, passport photos, picture of our house and families, criminal records checks, bank statements, etc.. It takes between two and three months to put all this together, so I can imagine it does take four weeks to translate everything into Russian.

Jeff and I have been thinking about the babies room and have started to move things out (desk, futon, book shelf, etc.). We were thinking we may need a bigger house, but since no one is allow to move out of our two court community it looks like a trip to the goodwill is in order. The interesting thing about the nursery, at first we were going to do everything in blue with a sports theme and then jokingly I said we would probably get twin girls. We looked at each other and thought what if we get a girl? She could hold it against her Mother and Father for the rest of her life that she was forced into a boy’s blue sports room. As you see, we are well on our way to being psychotic parents thinking too much about how we can prevent psychological issues.

Guess what colors we are doing – not red, white and blue – yellow and green – gender neutral colors. I apologize to all my girlfriends who I yelled at for picking these colors, but I have joined the club. I will update everyone next week on any news.

Thanks for all the well wishes and support. It really helps us on those frustrating days.

Maria & Jeff


Blogger Lauren & Cupcake said...

Yellow and Green is perfect! You can add PINK or BLUE and the roomwillbe FAB! Talk to you soon

Blogger Carolina Mama said...

Congrats! And welcome aboard! Lauren mentioned you all to me. How exciting! You are ahead of the game from us so I don't have lots of advice but am great on my cheerleading skill! So GOOO Jeff and Maria! Nice blog!

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