Saturday, February 17, 2007
We are back! Internet problems solved!

Waiting Day 10

Today was the last day we were going to visit Tyler in OZ. We were picked up at 9:00am and went to the children’s store to get some supplies for the hospital and than to the hospital. They were very appreciative for the supplies. Unfortunately, because it is Saturday, we cannot use the playroom as it is locked and no one has the key. We are told not to worry, they have a room that we can use. It is not the same room as the first trip, but virtually the same. A room with two twin cots . . . really cannot call them beds. The room had to be close to 90 degrees. The heaters were cranking and the doors and windows were closed. We opened the window a little and started to play with Tyler on one of the cots. We had our large towel/blanket we were going to put on the tile floor so we could spread out and play a little. However, our interpreter insisted that it would be cold on the floor so we must close the window. Since we were sweating and Tyler was sweating, we gave up on the floor and went back to the cot. It was not nearly as fun. For one, we had a few toys with us and no where to play and two, it was HOT. Thank God we had the play room for our first three visits.

The good news for this visit was the feeding. They brought Tyler a bottle of banana juice. His first taste was not good with the icky face being displayed. However, he tried it again and than calmly drank the rest of the bottle. This was the first thing we saw him eat that was not cream of wheat. It gets better. Near the end of the visit, they brought in a jar of apple baby food and he ate half the jar and appeared to like it. The nurse was feeding him with a standard table teaspoon. I guess baby spoons are not used? We are ready to go now. We can get him eating and more vitamins. He will be sprouting up in no time at all. Our friends Kristi and Fred (also our part time advisers as we are always emailing them questions) have a beautiful 14 month old girl. We met them in December on the flight home after Trip one. Their daughter has gained three pounds in less than two months! We hope Tyler will also be ready to gain some weight!

He was also a little cranky today . . . which we attribute to not being able to play and that he was burning up. At one point Jeff propped the window open to bring the temps down to a comfortable 75 degrees but the nurse bringing the food closed it up and was not happy about the propping of the window. Maria had unsnapped his outfit at the neck and unzipped it two or three inches trying to cool him off. When we gave Tyler to the nurse at the end of the visit, she zipped him back up and snapped the neck nice and snug. Hard to gain weight when you sweat all day. Our interrupter said that most people in Moscow keep their house or apartment very warm. I can’t even imagine what their gas bill would be in the US.

All in all it was great to see Tyler again, but it was tough not having the play room. Nevertheless, we are done visiting and anxiously awaiting Tuesday when we can make our last trip to OZ. We used to be counting down the days and now we are counting down the hours. (just a little anxious, does it show?)

Finally, we have internet back because the best business man in Moscow, Andrei, came here and personally spent 3 hours calling the Internet Provider to convince them that the problem was theirs! He is a saint and a business guy who would do anything to make his customers happy. Go Peace Travel! ( We did not post yesterday because they said the IP was down. The blog we wrote yesterday is posted below. Sorry for no personal emails, but we will start catching up tomorrow morning.

That is all for today!

Jeff and Maria


Blogger kate said...

So good to meet up with you in Moscow. It won't be long now...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to hear that Tyler is eating some apple sauce. Just think of how much fun it will be in just 3 more days. We are all getting excited.
Give our "piccolo amore" lots of hugs and kisses on Tuesday.

Blogger Barb Moore said...

Now I know where to go if I want to shed a few unwanted pounds! Holy cow, everyone must be very skinny there! Enjoy your last few days, you are SOOOOO close.

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